
Are you prepared for change?

Don't let Brexit 'events' become a distraction

It is nearly one month on since the Brexit vote. The need for all organisations to review current performance, determine future strategy and ensure they have superior resources, products and customer services to attract new business and fend off competitors, has never been greater.

The referendum was a major milestone for the UK and ensuing events have been even more eye-opening. We've witnessed government upheavals, turbulent financial markets, overseas takeover of a major UK semi-conductor and software design company, and financial collapse of an online travel agency. Every day seems to provide a new topic or event - directly or indirectly linked to Brexit. With news that fills the airwaves, newspaper and online columns - we're often hearing "you couldn't make this up" from business commentators' lips.

We do not yet know the exact timescale for completing the UK's exit from Europe but it is inevitable that more 'Brexit' events will take place along the way. This can cause business uncertainty, influence employment and investment decision-making. However, it is important organisations are not distracted from tackling the longer-term mission and prepare for change.

Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, said: "The only thing that is constant is change." Post-Brexit, this quote will ring true for those organisations:

  • relishing the opportunity to move into new global markets;
  • wanting to maintain links with Europe;
  • sustaining and growing share in their home market.
However, competition is a two-way street. While UK organisations can spot opportunities in other markets, likewise others will see the attractiveness of doing business in the UK. Organisations must analyse current performance, agree a future strategy and seek new business opportunities whilst keeping competition at bay.

Fundamental to the success of this approach is using communication effectively to:

  • position an organisation, products and services as market leader within its respective sector;
  • engage and motivate employees to deliver greater innovation and productivity;
  • protect and enhance an organisation's brand and corporate reputation among its key stakeholders.
This is not a quick-fix and it will take time to review, develop, implement and assess business change. It is essential that 'Brexit' events don't become a distraction. You must focus on longer-term change management during this transitional phase.

Be wise. Use this time to invest in your future. Others, no doubt, will be doing the same.


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